
**We offer a free consult meeting, in which we can get to know eachother. You can take the time to ask questions about birth doulas, and our experience which can help you decide if myself, or my partner would be a good match for you, as a doula.

If you decide that one of us would be a good match for you we provide:

  - A minimum of 2 prenatal meetings. During those meetings, we will discuss your plans and hopes for your birth, common interventions, emergency situations that can arise, different comfort measures, and build a birth plan, if that is something you are interested in. We will also use the time to get to know one another better.  We strongly encourage the partner, or support person to come along as well, so we can get to know them better, and also answer any questions he or she may have.

 - A lending library full of books on labor, birth, babies, and more!

- 24/7 phone and email support, whether you have questions, concerns, or just need someone to talk to

- Breastfeeding support in the hours following birth. I am not a lactation consultant, but I have studied breastfeeding for my doula course and have also successfully breastfed 2 babies as well :-)

- A minimum of  at least one postpartum visit to see how your family is doing, to discuss your feelings about the birth, and to talk about how you are feeling with the new adjustment of having your baby at home.

 We do our pricing on a sliding scale. While we do want to be paid for our time, we do not ever want to refuse a woman who wants a doula, but cannot afford one!  We can discuss payment options when you decide you want our service.